Urgent Financial Need

We need your help! Month to month, our finances have been low, and, at this rate, we would need to scale back our care of the children in Liberia unless we can find more support. That would mean that we would need to downsize or pull back from entirely the college and resettlement programs.

You might be wondering why this is a big deal. I mean, after all, as long as the kids are cared for, that's the goal, right? Aren't college and resettlement extras that aren't necessary? Well... yes and no. It is true that these programs are privileges and not something these children are necessarily entitled to, but we believe that college and resettlement drives the success of this ministry for many reasons:

1. It helps shift the kids' mentality from survival to thinking farther into their futures. In essence, this is what it looks like to overcome poverty!

2. It gives the younger children wonderful examples to look up to and makes them take their lives more seriously.

3. It keeps many of our kids off the streets because they understand what an opportunity they have with college and resettlement, so they choose to stay in school.

4. It empowers these kids in such a way that they go on to start families, find jobs, and even give back to the ministry.

5. Rather than sponsoring only through high school (an important step for sure, but a far cry from being set up for success), offering college and resettlement promises a brighter future and gives the kids something to dream about. It gives them hope!

None of these would be possible without the college and resettlement programs. But right now, we are not able to continue offering these opportunities to the kids. We need your help!

We need monthly/yearly donors who commit to supporting us with regular gifts so that we can move forward with confidence. If you would like to learn more about what it means to help out or more specifics about our finances or what we do, you can visit our website below or contact us directly, and we'd love to talk!


Venmo: @standingsidebysideinc


